Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Workplace Integrity Group collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users of this website (each, a “User”).

Workplace Integrity Group is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of visitors to our websites as well as the privacy of our actual customers, affiliates, subscribers and registered resellers. For visitors, we’ve structured our websites so that, in general, you can visit us on the web without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. For customers, affiliates, subscribers and registered resellers, once you choose to provide us personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified), you can be assured that it will only be used to support your relationship with Workplace Integrity Group.

The Information We Collect
Workplace Integrity Group may collect personally identifiable information from Users in a variety of ways, including through online forms for ordering products and services, and other instances where Users are invited to volunteer such information. Workplace Integrity Group may also collect information about how Users use our Website, for example, by tracking the number of unique views received by the pages of the Website or the domains from which Users originate. We may use “cookies” to track how Users use our Website. A cookie is a piece of software that a Web server can store on the Users’ PC and use to identify the User should they visit the Website again. While not all of the information that we collect from Users is personally identifiable, it may be associated with personally identifiable information that Users provide us through our Website. We may also track how you were referred to our website. For example, which search engine you used or which advertisement you clicked on. While you are a Workplace Integrity Group customer, we manage information with regard to your account status, choice of services, and customer logs. In addition, we may store customers’ electronic mail and other communications as a necessary incident to the transmission and delivery of those communications.

How We Use Information
We use the contact information you provide us to establish our service for you. We use tracking information to determine which means or advertising is most effective for us. We create and maintain other information such as customer account status, choice of services, and customer logs in the normal course of providing service. Workplace Integrity Group may provide you with information about products or services offered by third parties, which may be of interest to you or to enable you to take advantage of special partner programs. Workplace Integrity Group may also use customer information to provide customers with system information or information about new or upgraded products.

Disclosure of Information
Workplace Integrity Group may disclose information collected from Users to trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners who will use the information for the purposes outlined above. We may also disclose aggregate, anonymous data based on information collected from Users to investors and potential partners. Finally, we may transfer information collected from Users in connection with a sale of Workplace Integrity Group business. We will not otherwise disclose customer personal and account information unless we have reason to believe that disclosing such information is necessary to identify, make contact with, or bring legal action against someone who may be causing harm or interfering with the rights or property of Workplace Integrity Group, our customers, or others, or where Workplace Integrity Group has a good faith belief that the law requires such disclosure.

Maintenance of Information
Information about Users that is maintained on our systems is protected using industry standard security measures. However, we cannot guarantee that the information submitted to, maintained on, or transmitted from our systems will be completely secure.